Breaking News: Agreements and Contracts

In today’s news, we highlight several important agreements and contracts that have made headlines recently.

Share Purchase Agreement Sample Ontario

First, let’s take a look at a share purchase agreement sample from Ontario. This agreement serves as a template for individuals or businesses looking to buy or sell shares in a company.

Agreement Between Driver and Owner Uber

Next up, we have an agreement between a driver and owner on Uber. This contract outlines the terms and responsibilities between the driver and the vehicle owner in the ride-sharing industry.

MLB Players and Owners Agreement

On the sports front, Major League Baseball (MLB) has reached a new agreement between players and owners. Learn more about the details of this MLB players and owners agreement.

Open Skies Agreements EU

Shifting gears to international affairs, the European Union (EU) has been actively involved in negotiating open skies agreements. These agreements aim to liberalize air travel between the EU and other countries.

Define Hire Agreement

For those unfamiliar with the term, it’s important to define hire agreements. This type of contract outlines the terms and conditions between a hirer (the person renting) and a hiree (the person providing the rented item or service).

TBS Collective Agreement EG

In the world of government employment, the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) has a collective agreement in place. This agreement sets out the terms and conditions of employment for employees represented by the union.

Cisco Enterprise Agreement Management Platform (AMP)

In the tech industry, Cisco has developed an Enterprise Agreement Management Platform (AMP) to streamline and simplify the management of software licenses and agreements for businesses.

How Do I Find a General Contractor?

For individuals or businesses looking to hire a general contractor, the question often arises: How do I find a general contractor? This article provides some tips and guidelines for finding the right professional for your construction or renovation project.

Article of the Countries Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) Spain

Double taxation can be a concern when doing business internationally. The double taxation agreement (DTA) between countries aims to prevent this issue. In this case, the article focuses on the DTA between Spain and other countries.

Oklahoma Rental Lease Agreement Form

Lastly, for those in Oklahoma, there is a specific rental lease agreement form that landlords and tenants can use to establish the terms and conditions of a rental agreement.

That’s all for now, folks! Stay tuned for more updates on agreements and contracts in the future.